Fine Art Nude Fellowship – BIPP

International Photographer Gains Fellowship in BIPP

Denmark-based photographer, Jørgen Brandt FBIPP, has received recognition for his excellence in Fine Art photography after being awarded a Fellowship by the British Institute of Professional Photography (BIPP).

Jørgen has been a photographer since 1987, specializing in wedding, portrait, and fine art nudes, and has an impressive array of qualifications & exhibitions against his name. He was recently elected President of the Federation of European Professional Photographers for 2012 – 2014, as well as holding Master QEP status, and is also the current Chairman of the Board of Museet for Fotokunst.

(fortsætter under billederne – klik for at se)


Jørgen said “Receiving a Fellowship of BIPP means a lot to me. It symbols a hard to get milestone in a long and interesting evolution of attempting to become the best I can. To get there is an interesting journey of ups and downs, during which you get to meet great photographers and “speak photo”.

jørgen brandt, roy meiklejon og malcolm sales

Jørgen Brandt, Roy Meiklejon & Malcolm Sales (Foto: Bent Nygaard Larsen)

A BIPP Fellowship means even more, as I studied Photography in the UK at Gloucestershire College of Art & Technology in the early 1980s and since then the UK has been an important part of me. I also feel proud to receive a Fellowship in my 25th years as self-employed photographer. June 1st marked the jubilee. It all started with me doing Advertising & Commercial work, but in the last 10 years it has mainly been “People Photography” alongside my Fine Art projects. The Fellowship means that I am not 25 years old, but 25 years young…and that is essential if you always want to be a better you”.

Jørgen added “In photography it fascinates me that we can take the reality and work with it, interpret ate it and emphasize the parts we find interesting or important. Photography is a subjective interpretation in the hand of Imagemakers”.

As the qualifying body of professional photography in the UK, BIPP requires any photographer going for qualification to follow strict criteria and provide a substantial portfolio of commissioned work, together with supporting information about themselves as a professional.

BIPP President, Roy Meiklejon FBIPP, stated “BIPP qualifications are among the most rigorous in the world. Qualification with the BIPP requires hard work, determination, commitment and lots of creativity”.

See more of BIPP at

Jørgen Brandt og Roy Meiklejon

Jørgen Brandt & Roy Meiklejon (Foto: Bent Nygaard Larsen)

From the “Working Profile”

The idea of this series of images had been in my head for a few months before going into the actual sessions they where made in.

Sensuality, involvement, movement, intensity, passion are the keywords of this series of images, that can also show a feeling of some eroticism present in the images.

The 2 different series of images are the same in displaying sensuality, involvement and movement etc, but very different in the way this is done and in the “variation” of the theme.

The bluish images displays a more classical softness with a model closer to the “more classic model shapes”, where the dark series displays a more rough, yet also sensual soft, and hard approach. The model in the dark images is not a classic model, more of a voluptuous lady.

I have set the images visually along and interacting to show sensuality and intensity comes in many forms.
The, possibly, bold cuts are made to are made to emphasize the message and active emotional involvement.

Processen i BIPP

I BIPP kan kun indehavere af udmærkelsen “Associate BIPP” søge et “Fellow BIPP”, mens en “Associate BIPP” kan søges direkte. På den baggrund søgte jeg i juni 2012 en “Associate BIPP” med et panel Fine Art Nudes på 20 billeder samt den krævede “Working Profile”, der er en tekst som beskriver ens arbejde.

Efter bedømmelsen af dette panel modtog jeg den glædelige nyhed at være blevet Associate, sammen med meddelelsen om at dommerne overvejede at tildele mig en “Fellow BIPP”.

Et Fellowship i BIPP gives ikke udelukkende på baggrund af et panel af billeder, men kræver også en grundig vurdering af fotografen som “helhed”. Dommerne ønskede derfor at se mere af mit arbejde. Hverdags billeder, Fine Art billeder, billeder som jeg arbejder med dem i bred forstand.

Ved en direkte “Fellow BIPP”-ansøgning ønsker BIPPs dommere, at kandidaterne møder til bedømmelsen for at blive interviewet. Kandidater der søger en Assocaite, som jeg oprindelgt gjorde, indbydes ikke til et interview. Hvis dommerne mener en “Associate BIPP” ansøger kunne opgraderes til en “Fellow BIPP”, vælger dommerne om de ønsker et interview eller på anden måde at skaffe sig yderligere oplysninger om kandidaten. Dommerne foretager så deres bedømmelse på baggruund af både panel og disse yderligere oplysninger.

På baggrund af denne samlede vurdering fik jeg så i September tildelt en “Fellow BIPP”.

Hvad er en Fellow BIPP
“En “Fellow BIPP” er den højeste kvalifikation i BIPP. Fellowship forudsætte at kandidaten producerer en panel af billeder, der demonstrerer extrem høj teknisk og kreativ kompetance og viser en uniqe stil og tilgang til skabelse af billeder. Et Fellowship kræver altid demonstration af en betydelig individuel indsats.”

(oversat fra “This is the highest level of qualified membership. Fellowship requires the candidate to produce a panel of work that demonstrates extremely high levels of technical and creative ability and to show a uniqueness of style and approach to image making. Fellowship always requires the demonstration of significant individual input.” (citat fra BIPP Qualification Guide 2011))